Producers for American Ninja Warrior announced that the St. Louis tapings for Season 12 of ANW have been postponed. With that announcement, all 3 filming locations and dates have been postponed. Last week the producers made the announcement that Los Angeles would be postponed, and followed that news up 4 days ago with the news that Washington DC taping would be delayed. The full statement released was:
A Message from American Ninja Warrior Producers:
We hope that everyone in the ninja community -competitors, their families, and fans- are staying healthy in these challenging times.
As most of you know, the Los Angeles and Washington DC tapings have been postponed and now the St. Louis tapings will have to be postponed as well.
We are erring on the side of caution, as ANW production tapings involves a large number of crew, competitors, families and fans. Everyone’s safety is our biggest priority.
As we continue to post updates, we remain optimistic, and hope that you are too! Hang in there and stay healthy!
Thanks everyone!
At this time, there is no new date or locations for any of the tapings for American Ninja Warrior Season 12. There is no guarantee that whenever filming does take place, it will even be in the same cities as originally planned.
The one piece of good news today is American Ninja Warrior Nation is reporting that sources at NBC are saying “that season 12 will still happen. They’re just not sure when yet.”
As always, we’ll post updates on new locations and dates once we know what they are. In the meantime, don’t forget that episodes of American Ninja Warrior Junior are airing on Friday nights!
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