Ninja vs Ninja (formerly known as Team Ninja Warrior) is an obstacle based show from the team behind American Ninja Warrior. It consists of 3-person teams (two men and one women) who compete head to head against each other. Unlike the normal American Ninja Warrior TV show, in Ninja vs Ninja, the teams and competitors are racing side by side at the same time on a specially designed course, including a few obstacles where their paths overlap.

The format has 2 teams face-off, and the first to 5 points wins.  Each race is worth 1 point each.  The first 3 races feature an individual from each team running the whole course.  If there isn’t a winner after 3 races, the final 2 rounds are relay races where each team member takes on 2 obstacles of the the front half of the course (6 obstacles). In the final round of each night, the teams take on the full course, for a total of 9 obstacles Unlike in Team Ninja Warrior, there are no round-robins or knockout rounds – if you lose, you go home, and if you win, you advance to the next round!

The first season of Ninja vs Ninja is scheduled to air in spring of 2018 on the USA Network. It is set to be 16 episodes.

List of Ninja vs Ninja Seasons

A list of Ninja vs Ninja seasons that have aired (or have been announced to air)

You can see the entire list of Ninja Warrior related tv shows here

Click a season below to see the list of episodes for that season.