ANW 2014 Dallas, Texas City Finals

Videos, Highlights, Obstacle List, Results, Finishers & Qualifiers from American Ninja Warrior 2014 Dallas Texas City Final (Season 6 Episode 7) ANW

Episode Details

2014 Season 6, Episode 7 (S06E07)

Filming Location

Airing Date

July 14, 2014

Number of Ninjas


2014 Dallas, Texas City Finals Obstacle List & Course Information

OrderObstacleNinjas AttemptedNinjas FailedFail Rate
1Quintuple steps3013%
2Log Grip2900%
3Tilting Table29310%
4Swing Jump2600%
5Ring Toss26312%
6Warped Wall2314%
7Salmon Ladder22523%
8Swinging Frames17847%
9Pole Grasper9222%
10Spider Climb700%

2014 Dallas, Texas City Finals Results - Ninjas Qualifying & Advancing To Las Vegas Finals - Stage 1

RankCompetitorGenderTimeFurthest ObstacleVideo
1Jeremy MorganM00:03:30.70Hit Buzzer / Completed Course
2Jaret SalasM00:04:52.43Hit Buzzer / Completed Course
3Tremayne DortchM00:05:23.26Hit Buzzer / Completed Course
4Geoffrey LancasterM00:06:35.17Hit Buzzer / Completed Course
5Abel GonzalezM00:06:54.96Hit Buzzer / Completed Course
6Karsten WilliamsM00:07:26.28Hit Buzzer / Completed Course
7Kacy CatanzaroF00:08:59.53Hit Buzzer / Completed Course
8Kevin KleinM00:02:34.96#9 - Pole Grasper
9David GilbertM00:03:41.06#9 - Pole Grasper
10Cass ClawsonM00:01:59.82#8 - Swinging Frames
11Brandon PannellM00:02:26.91#8 - Swinging Frames
12Connor MoyerM00:02:50.81#8 - Swinging Frames
13Johnathan MorinM00:04:21.67#8 - Swinging Frames
14JoJo BynumM00:04:33.78#8 - Swinging Frames
15Sam SannM00:04:43.95#8 - Swinging Frames

Other Ninjas who attempted the American Ninja Warrior 2014 Dallas, Texas City Finals ANW course run

If no time is noted, results are sorted in order of furthest obstacle, then alphabetically within each group.
RankCompetitorGenderTimeFurthest ObstacleVideo
Joe CalderonM#8 - Swinging Frames
Jordan YordanovM#8 - Swinging Frames
Seth BlausteinM#7 - Salmon Ladder
Joshua CookM#7 - Salmon Ladder
Engin DolenM#7 - Salmon Ladder
Dillon GatesM#7 - Salmon Ladder
Nathan JassoM#7 - Salmon Ladder
Michael SolomonM#6 - Warped Wall
Matthew LaessigM#5 - Ring Toss
Daniel ManuelM#5 - Ring Toss
Joshua StoneM#5 - Ring Toss
Jimmy Bogle JrM#3 - Tilting Table
Terry CosseyM#3 - Tilting Table
Eric McKeethenM#3 - Tilting Table
Geoffrey MotilM#1 - Quintuple steps

Ticket Information for American Ninja Warrior Dallas, Texas City Finals taping

ANW tickets are a first come first served basis. You can find more information here

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