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Austin Ninjas TNL Finals March 2020

March 28, 2020 - March 29, 2020 | Cost TBA | Texas Ninja League
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The finals is a stage 3 format. STAGE ONE – All qualified athletes will run in reverse points order (the more points you gain all season – the later you run – number of competitions is a tie breaker). One mulligan (redo) that must be used on their first fall. Points based format with 1 point for every obstacle completed within the time cap and 1 redo opportunity on first fall.

STAGE TWO – Top 50% of athletes in each division (both genders) will move on to stage 2. Points will start over from 0, but athletes will run in reverse points order based on stage 1. No mulligan on stage 2 – you fall you’re out.

STAGE THREE – Must complete stage two in order to move on to stage 3. No mulligan on stage 3 – you fall you’re out. Furthest fastest wins. In case of no athletes completing stage 2 winners will be determined based on stage 2 results with furthest fastest winning.

TNL is a non-profit organization made up of ninja gym owners, managers, and even parents coming together to give back to the community.

Kids Competition Details

Age Groups as follows: 5-6, 7-8, 19-10, 11-12, 13-15, 16+. For adults, there are both amateur and pro divisions. Age is based on the ninjas age as of August 1st at the start of the season

Prizes & Awards

Athletes must have earned over 5 points during the TNL season to qualify for finals.

Event Schedule

Check with the gym for full event schedule.


March 28, 2020
March 29, 2020
Ninja League:
Texas Ninja League Season 2


Austin Ninjas
6001 W Parmer Lane, #430
Austin, TX 78727 United States
+ Google Map