A complete list & directory of previous local American Ninja Warrior comeptitions, training courses, and classes near or in Kansas
Click a ninja competition name below to see details about course layout, stage information, spectator & parking info, prizes & awards, if there will be a kids competition, and more.
You can also just check out our list of ninja gyms in Kansas, if you are just looking for a ninja gym to train at or go play on, instead of an actual competition.
Browse our list of upcoming local American Ninja Warrior competitions for Kansas (KS)
You can also just check out our list of ninja gyms in Kansas, if you are just looking for a ninja gym to train at or go play on, instead of an actual competition.
- Previous Ninja Warrior Competitions in Kansas
- Details Nov 09, 2019Apex Climbing Gym NNL Qualifier November 2019
Apex Climbing Gym, Olathe, KS, United States - Details Nov 10, 2018Apex Climbing Gym NNL Qualifier November 2018
Apex Climbing Gym, Olathe, KS, United States
Browse our list of upcoming local American Ninja Warrior competitions for Kansas (KS)