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Urban Ninja Athletics

Obstacle list, course information, upcoming competitions, class schedule, pricing, training info and more for the local American Ninja Warrior Gym Urban Ninja Athletics.

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1155 Charles St, Unit 135
Longwood, FL 32750 United States


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Ninja Gym Description, Obstacle List, Class Schedule, and more

The Urban Ninja Training Course is designed to train beginners and Elites for their first or next obstacle course race.
In an OCR workout you will crawl, carry, climb, hang, jump, lift, lung, pull, push, squat, run, and balance.
OCR requires endurance, power, strength, agility, speed, and a tenacity mindset.
Try something new, gain confidence in your next race, and have fun!

  • Upcoming Ninja Warrior Competitions at Urban Ninja Athletics

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  • Past Ninja Warrior Competitions at Urban Ninja Athletics

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