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Progressive Gymnastics East Ninja Athletic Warrior

Obstacle list, course information, upcoming competitions, class schedule, pricing, training info and more for the local American Ninja Warrior Gym Progressive Gymnastics East Ninja Athletic Warrior.

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2200 Marcus Ave
New Hyde Park, NY 11042 United States


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Ninja Gym Description, Obstacle List, Class Schedule, and more

It’s the ULTIMATE RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK to blast past their best performance course time.
The ABC’s of being a ninja are Agility, Balance, and Coordination with combined force, high explosive climbing and swinging. So, move over Super Heros… the Progressive Gym Ninja Fitness Warrior Athletes are here to stay!
It all started with NBC’s American Ninja Warrior and it became the fastest growing sport for adults.
Now, Gymnastics Clubs around the country are taking children’s fitness to another level because the CORE of the American Ninja Warrior Program is GYMNASTICS!

Our Ninja Athletic Warrior program encourages kids ​Pr​e-​K​ to middle school age to engage in a physical activity where the goal is not to compete against others, but to focus on self improvement through setting fitness goals, strengthening not only their bodies but their minds as well, and redefining what they thought was possible for them to achieve.

  • Upcoming Ninja Warrior Competitions at Progressive Gymnastics East Ninja Athletic Warrior

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  • Past Ninja Warrior Competitions at Progressive Gymnastics East Ninja Athletic Warrior

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