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Kids Warrior Gym Blondo

Obstacle list, course information, upcoming competitions, class schedule, pricing, training info and more for the local American Ninja Warrior Gym Kids Warrior Gym Blondo.

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16821 Blondo Street
Omaha, NE 68116 United States


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Ninja Gym Description, Obstacle List, Class Schedule, and more

Kids Warrior Gym’s specialty is skill level classes. Our courses are designed specifically for kids between ages 4-12. For 50 minutes a week, our coaches show and guide students through the best techniques to conquer the many obstacles they face. Students can expect to have a amazingly fun time while building balance, strength, athleticism, and perseverance.

  • Upcoming Ninja Warrior Competitions at Kids Warrior Gym Blondo

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  • Past Ninja Warrior Competitions at Kids Warrior Gym Blondo

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