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Iron City Ninja

Obstacle list, course information, upcoming competitions, class schedule, pricing, training info and more for the local American Ninja Warrior Gym Iron City Ninja.

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859 Missionary Drive, Suite 150
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 United States


Gym Website & Social Channels

Ninja Gym Description, Obstacle List, Class Schedule, and more

Iron City Ninja is Pittsburgh’s premiere Ninja Warrior training facility. We want to bring the City of Champions a new and exciting experience. Our mission is to provide safe, affordable, and fun ways to exercise. We have over 6,000 square feet of space with over 20 obstacles. You can try some of the trademark obstacles from the show American Ninja Warrior like the Warped Wall and Salmon Ladder. You can also increase your upper body strength by trying our Rumbling Dice or Circuit Board. If you prefer balance training have fun on our 30 foot slack-line or some of our other balance obstacles.

  • Upcoming Ninja Warrior Competitions at Iron City Ninja

  • No upcoming competitions found

  • Past Ninja Warrior Competitions at Iron City Ninja
  • Full Results
    Dec 22, 2019
    Iron City Ninja NNL Qualifier December 2019
    Iron City Ninja, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

    Full Results not available yet