Aviator Sports Complex
Obstacle list, course information, upcoming competitions, class schedule, pricing, training info and more for the local American Ninja Warrior Gym Aviator Sports Complex.
Brooklyn, NY 11234 United States
Ninja Gym Description, Obstacle List, Class Schedule, and more

If you haven’t heard of it already, you will soon- Ninja Warrior has been steadily growing in popularity among both children and adults over the last few years, and has now found a home in the Aviator Gymnastics center.
Ninja Warrior is complex obstacle course that will challenge the strength, speed, and endurance of all participants. Students will have to make their way through the course as fast as they can, trying their best to overcome each individual obstacle. Complete with slanted steps, ringtoss, unstable bridges, cannonball alley, cargo net swing, rumbling dice, spider wall, TWO warped walls, and more. Aviator’s Ninja Warrior course will feature a variety of different challenges for students to overcome.
Our Ninja Warrior program will begin as an extension of our current parkour classes. Although Ninja Warrior and parkour are two distinctly different activities, they overlap in many areas and complement each other well. While parkour places focus on creativity, exploration, and creating individual challenges, Ninja Warrior will focus on certain obstacles that students will train specifically to overcome. Both parkour and Ninja Warrior, however, will teach students to be as fast, strong, and efficient in their movement as possible. If you or your child love to climb, jump, swing, and balance, or to challenge yourself physically and mentally, come in and give the course your best shot!
As well as being used in our parkour classes, our new Ninja Warrior set will also be open to teens during Friday teen nights and open to adults during Adult Classes on Monday and Wednesday or Freerunning open sessions Saturday and Sunday.
- Upcoming Ninja Warrior Competitions at Aviator Sports Complex
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- Past Ninja Warrior Competitions at Aviator Sports Complex
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