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Adaptive Movement Parkour

Obstacle list, course information, upcoming competitions, class schedule, pricing, training info and more for the local American Ninja Warrior Gym Adaptive Movement Parkour.

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635 New Park Avenue Bldg 2
West Hartford, CT 6110 United States


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Ninja Gym Description, Obstacle List, Class Schedule, and more

At AMParkour, we teach a structured, progression based approach to learning the Art of Movement known as Parkour. Though the term movement is very general, the Parkour that was created by David Belle came with a series of fundamental movement styles and beginner techniques that should be trained and refined, before the practitioner develops his or her own personal style. These techniques took elements from military obstacle course training, gymnastics, and fitness training to build a system devoted to efficiency of motion. More specifically, the goal of Parkour was to traverse a landscape, whether it be urban, natural, or anywhere in between, without the social constraints normally associated with the world around us. This path of efficiency takes into account the idea that the fastest way from point A to point B is a straight line, but also considers that the safety, skill, and mindset of the Traceur (a practitioner of Parkour) will affect the path. Our curriculum is broken into four levels: White, Black, Red, and Blue. When students reach the level of Red, they can move into the intermediate class, where we start to teach basic Free Funning concepts, such as spins, flips, and other more creative movements. So if this is something you are interested in, come on down to AMParkour, where we live life without limitations!

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