- This event was postponed with no date set in stone yet. Please check website for most up to date details.
Legendary Fitness WI Athlete Warrior Games Qualifier June 2020
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Kids AWG & Kids Team Ninja comp will be Saturday 6/20/20. The Adult AWG & Adult Team Ninja comp will be held on Sunday 6/21/2020.
Every obstacle will have mutliple ways to clear or perform the obstacle. The easiest way will be worth less points while the hardest way will be worth the most. You get to choose the way you would like to run the course, but make sure you receive a point or your run is done! This will allow both beginners and professionals to run the same course setup, but also allow seperation in skill level. Come be apart of the new and exciting way to ninja!
Qualifying course runs will contain 7-12 obstacles; a run must include at minimum the following: three balance/lower body obstacles and three upper body dominant obstacles. The remaining obstacles are left up to the course designer’s discretion; a maximum time limit must be determined prior to start of league comp.
AWG uses a point scoring system for each obstacle on a Games course, obstacles have 2-3 ways of completion ranging from easiest to hardest (1 point for easiest way to clear obstacle, 2 – 5 points for completing an obstacle in its hardest form).
Adult, youth, and pro categories all available