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Cornhusker State Games Ninja Challenge Ninja Warrior Competition 2020

July 11, 2020 | Cost $50 | State Games of America
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The Cornhusker State Games Ninja Challenge is a American Ninja Warrior Style Obstacles with obstacles similar to the show including a buzzer to hit if you should defeat the course. Participants won’t know exactly what the course will be until the day of event just like the athletes on the show!

The course is designed by American Ninja Warrior Veteran athletes for the best ninja experience possible.

Length of course will be up to 10 obstacles including warped walls (two wall heights for age groups).

Course has a time limit of 3:30 min to complete for all ages.

Once an obstacle has been attempted, one additional attempt may be taken. This “retry” may only be used once during an athlete’s course run. The athletes run will be completed upon failed obstacle or time expiration.

No chalk may be used on the course at any time.

Upon Completion of course, athlete must immediately depart course area in preparation for next athlete.

One Person may be allowed on the sideline of the competitor while they are running the course, but in no way assisting the competitor or risk disqualification.

Competitors may not warm-up on the course on competition day, nor touch the course in any way and can risk disqualification.

Directors have the right to disqualify teams at any time, for not following the course rules, not following verbal instructions from volunteers, and for disrespectful treatment of other competitors or volunteers.

All participating athletes must bring their receipts to the competition to verify membership to the UNAA. The UNAA membership list will be updated online each week. By signing the waiver, you are officially a UNAA member, the UNAA Membership cost is free for every SGA athlete participant and included with their athlete entry fee. Existing UNAA members DO NOT get a discount for entry fee.

Kids Competition Details

Categories for kids available: 9 & under, 11 & under, 13 & under, 15 & under. 16+ are in adult leagues, with options of amateur, pro, or over 40

Prizes & Awards

ustom Cornhusker State Games gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded to all members of the top three teams in each division. Participation medals will be awarded to all family course finishers. Awards will be given out as soon as possible after the end of each race event. It will take some time tally results.

Event Schedule

INDIVIDUAL COURSE: Check-in – 7 a.m. Races starts – 8 a.m. sharp Team Course: Check-in – 4 p.m. Races starts- 5 p.m. sharp


July 11, 2020
Ninja League:
State Games of America


Nebraska Ninja
8335 Cody Dr.
Lincoln, NE 68512 United States
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