Ultimate Ninjas Naperville UNX Major 1 November 2019
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UNX has hosted 4 Open Qualifiers asking the best of the best ninja athletes to come out and compete. Now we have found the top 14 men and 14 women from across the county. Come watch them compete live to earn points toward their season standing in the first of three LIVE majors on 11/2/19.
Each major will be broken down into a men’s and women’s division. All 14 athletes in each division will compete in the semi-final round with the top athletes vying for the top spot in the two-attempt final round.
The competition will follow ANW style, 1 fall and done format
4 open qualifiers held before each UNX Major, where top 3 men/women qualify for the Major
The inaugural season of UNX professional competitions will include 12 open qualifiers at gyms around the country for anyone age 13 and over, as well as three live-streamed and broadcast finals held between October 2019 and early February 2020.