Rocky Mountain State Games Ninja Challenge Ninja Warrior Competition 2020
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The Ninja Challenge is an Ninja Warrior style obstacle competition with obstacles similar to the show American Ninja Warrior, including a buzzer to hit if you should defeat the course. Participants won’t know exactly what the course will be until the day of the event. The course is designed by Ninja Intensity course designers and veteran athletes in line with the Ultimate Ninja Athlete Association (UNAA) for the best ninja experience possible.
Length of course will be up to 10 obstacles including warped walls (two wall heights for age groups). Course has a time limit of 3 minutes and 30 seconds for completion, for all ages. Once an obstacle has been attempted, no mulligans will be allowed. The athletes run will be completed upon failed obstacle or time expiration. Once an athlete falls three times, they are out of the competition. Upon completion of the course, athlete must immediately depart course area in preparation for next athlete. One person may be allowed on the sideline of the competitor while they are running the course, but in no way assisting the competitor or risk disqualification. Competitors may not warm-up on the course on competition day, nor touch the course in any way or can risk disqualification.
You must be 6 years or older to compete in UNAA. All athletes for the 2019-20 Season 5 shall compete in their appropriate class. Any athlete in the age group classes may move up to the next age group if they so choose. Once they have moved up to that class, they must remain in that class for the duration of the year. Each course is age appropriate and if an athlete competes up – no accommodations will be made for height adjustments.